Having worked on ADR services from the scratch last year, MediateGuru has been successful in bridging the gap between general public and ADR services on a global scale. Having worked for pitching ADR as a future of dispute resolution, we are now introducing our latest venture in this domain. The m-ADR Broadcast, as envisioned by our founders, aims to bridge the gap further, not by way of conventional workshops and webinars but by way of a tailored newsletter by giving our readers a peak into the global developments in the field of ADR. Additionally, the Expert’s section of our newsletter will provide our readers, decades of hard work compressed in to bite sized hacks, thereby helping them to unleash their potential in the right direction. However, that won’t be all as our Editorial column will take our readers through the latest developments in the field of ADR, not just in a simplified manner but by way of additional insights concerning the editor’s pick.